parent info
CedarRidge is a place to grow in character through unique learning opportunities, to discover a deeper view of oneself, and explore the beauty of God’s creation.
Our mission is to provide a safe environment where children and adults can experience the love of God through Christ. We are committed to demonstrating and developing personal relationships with Christ as we strive to honor Him through every aspect of the lives of campers and staff. Our inclusive programs are designed to enable campers to experience nature while they develop skills, earn achievements throughout the week, and take on new challenges!
At HFCC, Campers come first
Will my camper be safe and well-taken care of?
Safety is our number one priority at Camp CedarRidge. We are prepared for everything from homesickness to emergency situations.
What is camp like?
Camp CedarRidge is located on 120 acres in the Huron National Forest in Oscoda, MI. Our beautiful camp consists of sandy trails, an enchanting marshland, grassy open areas for gathering, and lots of trees! Our facilities include a dining hall, pool, craft cabin, camp store, rec hall, with comfortable housing in cabins and tents and bathhouses for each area.

Camp CedarRidge Logistics
How do I keep in touch with my camper?
It may sound old-fashioned, but we encourage snail mail up at camp. The campers love it!
Send snail mail to:
Your Camper's Name
1154 W. River Road
Oscoda, MI 48750
We also have a Parent-to-Camper eLetter system that allows you to send your child as many emails throughout the week as you like. To send emails log into your account. From the “My Account” homepage select “Additional Options - Email a Camper”. From there you may purchase email credits, and email your camper while they are at camp. Want the whole family to join in the emails? Click on the button to “Setup Friend Accounts” to allow family and friends to send messages!
What does arrival and departure look like?
Our staff will be ready to greet.
Park and check in at the registration desk to find your cabin assignment, finish any last minute paperwork, and pay camper fee balances.
Head over to the health center to turn in medications and do a quick health check.
Staff will guide you to your camper’s cabin to meet his or her counselor for the week!
All campers gather in the commons area ready to tell you all about their week!
Final (optional) visit to the Tuck shop.
Load up your camper’s luggage.
Head out the camp road and stop at the gate.
Show a photo ID and sign-out for all campers in your vehicle.
How do I get to Camp CedarRidge?
Some cellphone carriers do not work in the National Forest and a cellphone GPS may not be helpful in the final 45 min of the trip. Some GPS units even have a hard time finding the camp based on our street address. Here's directions, just in case. You can always call our office at 989-739-3571 anytime enroute if you have questions about the camp location.

Camp CedarRidge Staff
We know godly staff are key to a meaningful camp experience. Each candidate is carefully screened to ensure we select the right people to make camp a safe and positive environment.